Official Website of Award-Winning Poet
Ronsdale Press (2022)
Available in Bookstores and on Amazon.

Photo by Ole Hoyer

Forget-Sadness-Grass takes its name from the Chinese ideogram for daylily, that tawny orange blossom, an escape of Asiatic origin, which bursts its borders in the summer and, in this book, finds its way into poetry that blurs the line between the cyclical and empirical, between mysticism and lyricism. In poetry that surprises as much as it illuminates, Di Nardo delves into aspects of mortality, of memory and forgetting, the cycles of loss and discovery. He pictures the daylily with a precision that relies on the sonic and visual play of language, his aesthetics rooted in garden soil yet sublime as it seeks the splendour of open skies. If poetry can transport the mind and push the clouds aside, Forget-Sadness-Grass does just that. The book invites the reader to experience the lyric in a colloquial and contemporary re-imagining of a common roadside flower with a Stevensian subtlety and virtuosity in far more than thirteen ways.
Forget-Sadness-Grass was placed on CBC Books' "Watch" list for Fall 2022 --https://www.cbc.ca/books/forget-sadness-grass-1.6567738?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar
Antony Di Nardo has written seven books of poetry. His work appears widely in journals and anthologies across Canada and internationally, and has been translated into German and Italian. His long poem suite "May June July" was winner of the Gwendolyn MacEwen Poetry Prize for 2017 and was short-listed for a National Magazine Award. His book, Through Yonder Window Breaks, won the the inaugural Don Gutterson Poetry Award. He spent the last years of a teaching career in Beirut where he launched his first book of poetry Alien, Correspondent in 2010. He is an active member of the League of Canadian Poets and the Cobourg Poetry Workshop.

other publications
You’ll find new poetry in the following journals, anthologies, websites and blogs:
Vallum, The Fiddlehead, Exile Magazine, Event, Accenti Magazine, Devour: Art & Lit Canada, Hill Spirits Anthologies (ed. Susan Stratham & Felicity Sidnell Reid), Poetry Present (ed. Jessica Outram), Voices of Quebec (ed. Carolyn Van Der Meer)
Translations of my poems appear in:
Italian: A filo doppio, ed. Francesco Lorriggio
German: Gedichte fur eine neue Welt, ed. Helmbrecht Breuning & Susanne Opperman
Framed & Familiar: 101 Portraits (Wet Ink Books 2022)
• https://poets.ca/2020/10/21/review-steffler-fortyonepages/